Organiser(s): Michele Bernardini and Antonella Muratgia
United Arab Emirates National Archives: Prospects and Challenges and the Role of Zayed University in Filling the Gap
Muneer Abu Baker
The Library of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG): Emergence, Growth and Future Challenges
Volker Adam
Adding Arabic script to old records
Tijmen Baarda
La recotation des collections de la Bibliothèque Orient - Monde arabe
Middle East manuscripts of the National Library of Naples: new models of fruition and interoperability using DSpace GLAM
Claudio Cortese, Gennaro Alifuoco
Moftah Coptic Collections at The American University In Cairo
Philip Croom
A short history of the IsIAO library and its Middle East and North Africa collections
Lorenzo Declich
Buying Books in Teheran: Revolution street April 2019
Andreas Drechsler
Yasmin Faghihi
The AlKindi catalog and RDA description of manuscripts
René-Vincent du Grandlaunay
Des histoires en langues diverses, en caractères arabes, collectées par Jean-Louis Asselin de Cherville et conservées à la BnF
Marie-Geneviève Guesdon, Khalid Chakor-Alami
MELA Survey on Digital Scholarship
Evyn Kropf, Heather Hughes
The heritage collection of Qatar national library: the future of the past
Maria Begoña Ibarra, Wassilena Sekulova
The Accidental Middle East Librarians
Shahrzad Khosrowpour, Essraa Nawar
Music at the library of the Orient‐Institut Istanbul
Astrid Menz
Islamic Library’s Ibn Arabi – Hikma award (2019): new perspectives
Luisa Mora Villarejo
Manus Online and the cataloguing of Arabic manuscripts
Lucia Negrini
Manuscript acquisitions of the Oriental Department at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin since 2015
Meliné Pehlivanian
The Oriental Library of Johann Albrecht Widmanstetter (1506-1557): Orientalist, Diplomat and Book Collector
Helga Rebhan
The Zaydi Manuscript Tradition (ZMT) Project: Digitizing the Collections of Yemeni Manuscripts in Italian Libraries
Valentina Sagaria-Rossi, Sabine Schmidtke
Persian incunabula and early lithographs : Historical overview and holdings
Mirja Wachter
Written and Printed Cultural Heritage Items and Their Digitization Works in Turkish Libraries
Selçuk AYDIN, Cihan KALIN
Multilingual person names and Arabic script in authority files and research databases : the Mistara Project
Olga Andriyanova, Asyeh Ghafourian, Benjamin Guichard
Changing Management Structures : the impact on subject specialists, and how to remain relevant
Waseem Farooq
Advocating the role & worth of languages & cultures specialist librarians
Dominique Akhoun-Schwarb
Collecting Arab 'Comics' at the British Library
Daniel Lowe